These small batch healthy chocolate banana muffins are naturally sweetened and made with 100% whole wheat flour. They make a perfect grab-and-go breakfast for kids! After going to the same preschool everyday since he was two years old, Owen started day camp this week! We thought he might ...
Morning Glory Smoothie with Quinoa (Gluten-Free & Vegan)
Be honest. Are your mornings glorious these days? Mine definitely aren't. They usually start around 6:15AM, when Owen appears at my side of the bed asking 1) if he can watch TV, and 2) if he can have something totally inappropriate for breakfast, like M&Ms or Cheez-Its. I steel myself and tell ...
Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie Bowl (Vegan)
Let's have chocolate for breakfast and feel good about it. I'd like to introduce you to this ↑↑↑. The first smoothie bowl I have ever made or consumed. I honestly don't know why it took me so long to get on the bandwagon. What's not to love? It's basically just a smoothie with ...
Vegan Gluten-Free Oatmeal Raisin Smoothie
Can I ask you all a very important question? Do you feel like boxed salad greens go bad at an insanely fast rate? Sometimes it seems like I'm not even out of the grocery store parking lot before there is a rotten leaf of spinach in there, poisoning the whole plastic clamshell. It drives me ...
Plum Quinoa Smoothie
This is a super quick post. We are at the beach in Rhode Island this week. We are stuffing ourselves with seafood (clam cakes and Rhode Island clam chowder!) and Owen is loving swimming in the ocean. Sorry I don't have more photos of this yummy plum quinoa smoothie for you! I actually ...
Gluten-Free Banana Sprinkles Skillet Cookie
Toddlers = overripe bananas, amiright? With an almost three-year-old in the house, bananas are a staple in our kitchen. Owen loves them, but he can never finish an entire bunch before they threaten to go bad. What to do? Bake, obviously. Since this is my first post on my new blog (check ...
Coconut Lime Banana Bread
It was -2°F degrees out this morning when I loaded Owen into the car to go to daycare. Still, he refuses to wear a hat. Every time I put one on him (a sun hat, a baseball cap, even a jacket hood) he rips it off and yells "Noooo!" When I tried to put it back on I said, "Doesn't that feel goooood?" ...
Beet, Banana, and Oat Smoothie
I've come clean with you before about my love for vacuum-packed cooked beets. I know, I know, they are more delicious and less expensive when you roast and peel them yourself, but let's face it: beet cookery is a dangerous business. Every time I do it, I ruin either a manicure or a sweater. It's ...